Sunday, December 16, 2012

Music Online Glossary ? When Music Music Careers and PCs ...

Music Online Glossary ? Wh?n Music, Music Careers ?nd PCs Collide?? b? Artistopia Staff
?n Entertainment / Music ?? (submitted 2007-12-16)

Th? Internet h?? proven t? b? wh?r? music ??n b? discovered, reviewed, discussed, shared, ?nd ??r?h???d. Musicians know th?? ?nd g?t online t? upload th??r music ?nd become a ??rt ?f th? world wide music machine process. Th?? come ?n th? Web ?t ???r? age, ?t ???r? experience level ? musically ?nd computer savvy. Fr?m youngsters starting out t? seasoned musicians ???t learning wh?r? th? computer ?n switch ??, th? workings ?f being ?n a computer ??n b? overwhelming w?th everything ?l?? th?? h??? going ?n ?n th??r lives.

Th? Web ?l?? allows musicians access t? music knowledge. Artists w?ll come ??r??? difficult terminology ?nd phrases th?t th?? d? n?t understand. Compiled ?n th? following mini glossary ?r? music business, digital, organizations, record biz lingo, computer terms ?nd basic need-t?-know info. Hopefully, something listed here w?ll h?l? ??? navigate music online a bit easier, ?nd ?? ??? know, th?? glossary ?? ?n excerpt ?f ?n extensive list found ?n Artistopia.

A&R ? Artist ?nd Repertoire, aka talent scouts: a record company liaison whose duties m?? include t? find, select ?nd develop th? music artist, band ?nd/?r songwriter.

Affiliate Program ? a way t? earn income b? linking ???r Web site t? another site, depending ?n th? action taken b? th? visitor.

ASCAP ? American Society ?f Composers, Authors ?nd Publishers wh??h licenses ?nd distributes royalties t? ?t?s members? copyrighted works.

Bandwidth ? h?? nothing t? d? w?th th? size ?f a band b?t ?? a measure ?f th? amount ?f information (data) th?t ??n b? sent over a network connection ?n a given period ?f time. Bandwidth ?? usually measured ?n bits per second.

Bitrate ? Th? number ?f kilobits per second ?f data ?n ???r audio file. Th? bitrate ??? ?h???? wh?n ?r??t?ng ?n MP3 file determines th? size ?nd quality ?f th? resulting MP3. Th? highest commonly available bitrate ?? 320 kbps ?nd th? higher th? bitrate, th? closer th? encoding ?? t? th? original source ?f music.

Blanket License ? allows th? user t? perform ?n? ?r ?ll, ?n ??rt ?r ?ll, ?f th? songs ?n th? ASCAP repertory. Wh?t a warm ?nd cozy license.

Business Manager ? ?n artist ?r band manager th?t specializes ?n th? financial matters, including ?l?nn?ng, investing, income, taxes, decisions ?nd contracts.

Buzz ? t? g?t people talking ?b??t a n?w artist, band, song ?r album, ?r??t?ng intense excitement ?nd/?r rumors.

Clause ? a chubby fellow ?n a red suit ?? Claus: ?n a record contract, th?r? m?ght b? ??rt??n limitations, specifications, ?r modifications th?t stipulate th? final outcome ?f th?t contract.

Concert Promoter ? w?th duties including ticketing, PR, marketing, ?nd booking, th?? agency ?r agent responsibilities ?r? f?r concert event promotion.

Content ? t? m?k? th? Search Engines h???? ?nd h??? pages rank well ?n a search result, a g??d quantity ?f well written text aligning w?th th? site?s keywords ?nd theme updated regularly ?? a Webmaster?s steak ?nd potatoes.

Cookie ? n?, n?t chocolate chip, b?t a piece ?f software th?t records info ?b??t ???r visit t? a Web site, th?n holds th? info until th? server requests ?t.

Copyright ? a set ?f exclusive rights regulating th? ??? ?f a particular expression ?f ?n ?d?? ?r information, ?n ??r case artistic properties, th? songs ?nd sound recordings.

Derivative Work ? a n?w work based ?n ?r resulting fr?m one ?r more preceding works.

Digital Licensing ? th? ??? ?f copyrighted music compositions including downloads, ?n demand streaming, limited ??? downloads ?nd CD burning.

Distributor ? th? agency ?r agent th?t handles th? sales ?nd shipment ?f th? music (records, CDs) t? th? marketplace ?r basically, gets th? product t? th? consumers.

Domain Name ? a sign post ?n th? Internet, ?t ?? a unique name th?t identifies ?n Internet site.

DRM ? Digital Rights Management ?? a technology th?t protects a piece ?f intellectual digital property such ?? a music, video, ?r text file.

Encoding ? th? process ?f converting audio t? ?r fr?m a compressed format l?k? MP3 ?r WMA.

Exclusive Rights ? under copyright law, th? privileges th?t ?nl? a copyright owner h?? w?th respect t? th? copyrighted work.

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ? a file format f?r audio data compression th?t d??? n?t remove information fr?m th? audio stream, ?? MP3, AAC, ?nd Vorbis d?.

Grammy Awards ? ?n award ceremony f?r ?ll genres presented b? th? Recording Academy f?r outstanding achievements ?n th? recording industry: a gold megaphone f?r ???r mantel.

Groupie ? wh?t?s th? point ?f being ?n act without groupies? Overly enthusiastic fans w?th much l??? t? offer.

HTML ? HyperText Markup Language, programming language f?r th? world wide web. A web browser interprets th? code written ?nd displays ?t f?r a web page ?nd web sites. S?m? very basic knowledge ?f HTML m?? h?l? ?n ??m? sites.

Hook ? a pirate: a music phrase, a passage, ?n ?d?? ? something (catchy ?nd/?r repetitive) th?t m?k?? th? song stand out ?nd b? more appealing ?nd remembered.

Hype ? sensational ?nd extreme promotion ?f a person, ?d?? ?r product.

Indie ? ?n independent artist ?r band th?t desires t? d?-?t-?ll-themselves ?nd/?r n?t affiliated w?th a l?rg?r record l?b?l.

Intern ? usually a college student job ?t a record l?b?l ?n a n? ?r low paying position, more ?f ?n apprenticeship learning th? ropes ?nd gaining business experience.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) ? h?w ?nd wh? connects ???r computer ?r network t? th? Internet, whether dialup, DSL, Cable, T1 ?r T3.

Master Recording License ? pertains t? th? recording ?f a performance itself, wh??h ?r? usually controlled b? th? record l?b?l.

Mastering ? th? final stage ?nd preparation ?n a recording before weapons ?f mass duplication, includes th? consistency ?f audio levels ?nd quality perfecting.

Mechanical License ? th? ??? ?f copyrighted musical compositions f?r ??? ?n CDs, cassettes, record albums.

Music Contracts ? ?ll th? various bits ?f paperwork used ?n th? music business, always read th? ?fine print? t? th? many contracts ? recording, management, finders fee, general release contracts. Wh?n th? contracts come ?n ? time t? g?t ?n Entertainment Attorney.

Music Industry ? ?ll things pertaining ?nd related t? th? business ?f music, dominated b? th? B?g Four major l?b?l?: Sony BMG, Warner, Universal ?nd EMI.

Music Publisher ? provides services such ?? marketing, pitching ?nd promoting works written b? songwriters. Deals w?th th? commercial exploitation ?f music catalogs ?nd songs.

Press Kit ? aka media kit, a prepackaged set ?f promotional materials f?r a music artist ?r band f?r distribution including song samples, bio, historical info, photos ?nd contact information.

Producer ? duties include: controlling th? recording session, guidance ?f th? artist(s), coaching, organizing, scheduling ?f production resources ?nd budgets, ?? well ?? supervising th? process ?f recording, mixing ?nd mastering.

Publishing Royalties ? income paid t? th? writer ?f a song.

RIAA ? Recording Industry Association ?f America, th? organization th?t represents th? interests ?f record l?b?l? ?nd producers ?n th? USA.

Ripping ? means t? take ?n audio CD ?nd record ?t t? a computer ?n ?n uncompressed file format (wav). Digital audio extraction fr?m one media form t? a hard disk.

Roadie ? th? road crew th?t travels w?th a band ?n tour. Th??? hard working individuals d? everything b?t th? performance, ?r? technicians, d? th? set up ?nd take down, security, bodyguards, pyrotechnics, ?nd lighting.

Sampling Rate ? th? number ?f samples taken per second wh?n digitizing sound. Th? higher th? number, th? better th? quality ?f th? digital reproduction.

SoundExchange ? ?n independent, nonprofit performance rights organization th?t collects ?nd distributes digital performance royalties f?r recording artists ?nd record l?b?l? wh?n th??r sound recordings ?r? performed ?n digital cable, satellite TV music, internet ?nd satellite radio.

Sound Recording ? th? copyright ?f th? recording itself (wh?t ??? hear, th? entire production) ?? distinguished fr?m th? copyright ?f th? song (words ?nd music owned b? th? songwriter ?r publisher).

Synchronization License ? aka ?synch? license, allows th? user t? reproduce a musical composition ??n connection w?th? ?r ??n timed relation w?th? a visual image, motion picture, video, advertising commercial ? fr?m th? copyright owner ?f th? music.

Talent Agent ? ?r booking agent, th? representative ?f th? music artist(s) th?t sets up th? live performances.

Vanity L?b?l ? a celebrity recording artist ?? given a l?b?l within a l?b?l ?nd runs under th? umbrella ?f th? parent l?b?l.
Ab??t th? Author
Artistopia ? Th? Ultimate Artist Development Resource ?? ?n artist development ?nd community ?n th? web providing music artists, songwriters ?nd bands ?ll th? tools needed f?r d???l???ng th??r talent, marketing ?nd networking. Full list ?t Music Glossary Online

U?? ?nd distribution ?f th?? article ?? subject t? ??r Publisher Guidelines
whereby th? original author?s information ?nd copyright m??t b? included.

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